This blog is a personal history of the Ramsay family and their wonderful, wild, weird, wacky life. Scott and I (Jackie) thank God for the 4 precious children He has entrusted to our care for a few short years. People have been telling me I should write a book containing all the goofy things that are said or take place around our house, so here goes...

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Strange Dreams

I have been having quite a number of strange dreams lately and thought I would log them.
This is from last night:
Our family was attending an anti-Hillary Clinton rally.  All vehicles were to be partially backed into a pond, around the perimeter.  We backed the Suburban in. Caelin had a llama on a leash in the back seat, which wanted to get out. The lady in the car parked next to us also had a llama. The 2 llamas got in a fight, so I told Caelin to break it up.  He instead stood in the drivers seat and tried poking the lady, who was lying across out hood with her head on the windshield. Every time he poked her, her head and glasses hit the windshield, so in spite of my great fear of being spit upon by a llama, I got out and pushed the llamas apart.

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