Case and Archie's party was today. (cousins) We had fun making masks, capes, and playing some superhero themed games, had lunch, etc. Josh and Leigh and co. went with us on a little winter hike down the road from Jess and Louie's to Debar Pond. First we missed the turn, and had to go back. Once parked, we had to get people outfitted. Aila did not appreciate this at all, and howled from her car seat in the sled. Tirzah got snowshoes for Christmas, which were forgotten in the crazed rush to get out of the house. There was only a few inches of snow, so I told her we wouldn't need our snowshoes. Japheth, of course, already had his on. At least she accepted it with no scene. We walk down the road to the trail, and Scott decides he wants his vest, so I run back for it. Josh decides he wants his snowshoes, and goes back for them. Once on the trail, it's a bit icy, and Leigh heads back for her snowshoes. Meanwhile, Aila is still crying from her car seat, so I get her out. The trail includes portions of very narrow boardwalk, so the sled isn't even viable for use. The older kids are all over the place, while we tell them to stay close. At this point, I'm thinking "Is this even worth it?" But we press on. I just carry Aila, who has repeatedly shaken her mittens off on the side of the trail. Finally the narow bridges end and it actually is very beautiful, if not relaxing. The pond is lovely, and we took some nice pics. Levi chewed a bunch of wintergreen; I tried it, too, but it's not much good without sweetener.
I record all of this because it is a typical scenario. Chaotic preparation, time crunch, disorganization, crazy kids, indecision of what to wear and bring. And we do it in spite of all this, just to get out in God's beautiful creation. It does dampen one's ardor, however. Someday, it will be easier. I keep telling myself that, anyway!
On the trip home, Tirzah was singing the alphabet song. Over, and over, and over. Like this: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S, Y and Z. She paused and asked if it was good. "It was very nice." I assure her. Finally after innumerable renditions, she announced, "This is my seat concert." "Your seat concert?" I chuckled. She responded, "Yes, because I am stuck in my seat!"
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